Really put a damper on the last 3 days. Monday we were planning on sailing but the 15-25 forecast was 25-35 at departure time so we wisely stayed tied to the dock. Yesterday we had a decent day, wasn’t perfect but we caught plenty of fish and wasn’t all that rough, but not calm. Today we were hoping for the same as yesterday but drove all the way out and put the lines down. Sadly we were taking waves over the pulpit and it became “not fun”. Not wanting anyone to fall and get hurt we wrapped it up and headed home. The boat can take it, the passengers is what we worry about. Boat is almost home after a very slow ride home. Finally the wind will lay down today later on and looks like a very long stretch of less wind and warmer temperatures. We have a few spots open next two days, Saturday and Sunday sold out. Monday we have openings on both the all day and 10 hour marathon. Call for reservations. Capt Les