It won’t be long now, picture of the LMAIII attached, looking good. If you want to go Red fishing, book soon. The 10 days that we strictly target them( 3/21-4/1) is filling fast and will be sold out. Remember it’s March, we won’t get out everyday due to weather. Fishark adventures is looking for more […]
Terrible winter, not as bad as 2015, but not far off. Windiest January ever recorded in Boston. If we would have continued to run after we ultimately closed January 12th 2025, we would have gotten out 2 days in all that time. So I guess a blessing we had a drydock this winter and had […]
Just give us the weather
The weather has not been our friend. Even if we were trying to sail, one or two days every two weeks at best, and a few boats that did get out didn’t catch much. We are working on the boats but even that is difficult with the weather, but grinding away. The office is busy […]
Leon Moulton, friend and avid fisherman was a regular on the Monday Marathons. He passed this week after a brave fight with cancer. To his family and friends, many who fished with him here at Eastman’s, our condolences. He was a great man and will be greatly missed. Capt Les
If there was anyway we could keep running, we would, but the LMA needs a USCG dry-dock which involves at least 4-6 weeks during this time of year. Today was the best day in a month, weather was perfect(flat calm) and fishing was excellent. More than half the boat had their Haddock limit and rest […]
Wind just doesn’t stop. And it’s been much colder than this over the years but this last week it’s been relentless. Sadly we can only sail on perfect days this time of year and tomorrow isn’t one of those days. Friday is canceled due to wind. We are running the last two days of the […]
It’s cold, unlike last January when we went 8 days in a row, then another 5 days in a row, lucky to get out 1 day a week this January. We are canceled next three days due to combination of cold and wind, last three days this January are Friday, Saturday and Sunday 10/11/12, weather […]
Going to be cold but looks like the only break in this wind. At this point(weather predictions change) looks like tomorrow(Monday), maybe Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. Sunday is too far out to call, but I can Cx Wednesday and Thursday with confidence it will be too windy. Open at 5 am, think we’re sold out, […]
Looks like our only break in the weather is Monday/Tuesday. Tomorrow(Sunday) is Cx, just too much wind with that temp. Open 5 am on Monday. Office open everyday 8-4 on days we don’t fish, 5-5 when we do. Capt Les 👎