I guess the holiday but we have rare openings on the Monday marathon, almost always a successful trip. All day and half day openings both Sunday and Monday. The Whiting trips yesterday and today were good, lots of Haddock with them, nice problem. We have added more Whiting trips, July 9,10,22,23 and August 5, 6 […]
Come on down, we have room on many trips. Capt Les
Excellent Whiting trip, 75-100 pp, half day Haddock was up and down but could only keep 1 out of 5, lots of shorts which is great. We now know after our tagging program that most Haddock survive decades after being caught and released, we still get several a month with a tag. MJ had 10-12 […]
Fishing is good, I’ll post all boats tomorrow after the Whiting trip. Bass are finally making an appearance. Room all week. Capt Les
Like always it varies on what boat you were on, but all good reports. Dogs were few, numbers of Haddock ranged from a few with a couple and some with limits. Geoff Pierce on the LMA had 15 Haddock, 19 Cusk and 4 Pollock, high hook on that boat. LAM had the two Fishark guys […]
The dogs have become manageable but how many fish people take home is down. Lots of shorts, some dogs , but everyone is busy. That’s the All Day Haddock boats, last Whiting trip was destroyed by the dogs. Stripers have been horrible, couple bites here, maybe a few schoolies, but not what late June should […]
When they find you it’s brutal, like the Whiting trip yesterday but there’s good trips too. It’s lots of work but plenty of fish there. We have lots of trips with openings, check the website. Capt Les
Marathon did excellent far away, lots of limits and 10-12 pp was common. Whiting trip had an issue with dogs, but last stop helped greatly and the regular all day did ok, also Sharks in the morning but afternoon wasn’t bad. We have room on all trips, come on down. Excellent marathon. Natural air conditioning […]
Not a single sankshark, few more Haddock pp than yesterday and lots of activity. Lost a Tuna, couple Porbeagle and caught one also. Great Day!! Couple boats had close to limits. Capt Les
Not the bonanza like back in April/May but pretty good. Combine that with the weather and the Whales, Dolphins and we’ll call it excellent. 5-8 average on the Haddock and some Pollock and Cusk to go along with them. There were people with limits and a few with just a couple but a great day […]