It won’t be long now, picture of the LMAIII attached, looking good. If you want to go Red fishing, book soon. The 10 days that we strictly target them( 3/21-4/1) is filling fast and will be sold out. Remember it’s March, we won’t get out everyday due to weather. Fishark adventures is looking for more members, they run special trips, too many to mention and run most out of Eastman’s. Check out his website and give it a try. I’ll start checking in more often and everyday when we open. The office will start calling preseason this week, but I will say after years of this system, it has become seamless. 75% of the preseasons have confirmed with deposits. All trips not confirmed with deposits will be deleted after 3/1 unless others plans are made for reserving the date. Capt Les

Crew hard at work as you can see. She looks brand new
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