Fishing is unbelievable!!! We finally got out, weather has not been our friend this Fall. Both the AB and the LMAIII slammed the Pollock, some Haddock. As good as it gets, up and down. Both boats also caught a porbeagle shark each adding to an already great day.

We are sold out tomorrow(Saturday) and because of the storm we are cx Sunday, but running Monday and plenty of room. That’s the day I’d go. Gift certificates available over the phone. People have asked if we discount tickets, it’s impossible to do if you want to have the quality operation that we have. We have $2 discount on line and $3 on certain websites and newspapers. Best we can do if we want to stay in business. It Cost $1200 in just operating expenses for the boat to leave the dock, never mind the rest of the overhead.

Hope to get as many days in as possible before we have  to close, that last weekend is questionable due to tides, but check here for updates. Planning to run three more weeks.

Capt Les Eastman Jr


Porbeagle LMA III

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