Yesterday was the first off day in a month, actually slow relative to how it’s been. Still produced as much as there catching on the south coast, but only managed 100 Pollock and once again surprised by 100 Reds to go with them. Generally in the past decade when they leave in the winter it’s a desert out there, so hoping it was just an off day. Sending Capt Nate today( Sunday)if he doesn’t catch them there not there. We won’t give up quite so easy, closed tomorrow due to storm, then closed Tuesday/Wednesday for the holiday, back at it Thursday at 7 am. I’ll report this afternoon on today’s fishing. We will continue running until we get back to back horrible trips, then we’ll send you south to Frances, Miss Montauk or Viking fleets where hopefully the Cod will pick up. There are also a handful of private boats operating through the winter down that way. But we’re hoping the fish are still here and we can fish a few more weeks, if not longer. Regardless of when we close Redfish season starts last weekend of March, that’s been amazing last 8 years, as you all know. 1400 fish report. Fish are still here, worked all three species, 200+ Pollock several guys with 12 or more, 100 Haddock, two guys had 6 and 100+ Reds, excellent, not a massacre! Next trip Thursday. Happy New Year to all.
Capt Les Jr