Crazy world it’s become, hoping for a return to normal soon. We have been shut down, just lucky timing, since March 1st and have been practicing social distancing since then. We all have our different projects, so work has continued for us, not as normal, but getting it done. The end of the two week self quarantine ends just about on our opening day. We will open on March 28th with obvious precautions. 1st the vessels, as always, will be cleaned with bleach, hand sanitizer available and if you want your own 6’ between others there’s enough room. To ensure that space we will keep the crowds lower than normal, but we can’t operate with 10 or 25. It’s out on the open ocean and 45 passengers on the LMAIII is half full. Our other boats will also be cut back in passenger counts depending on the size. As recommended by the CDC, if you feel sick, please stay home, no penalties on our end. These precautions will stay in place until the tide turns and we see a light at the end of the tunnel. Our hearts go out to so many people that are severely affected, both health wise and financially. Weather permitting, Redfish season will open March 28th departing at 7 am, office open at 5. Running 7 days a week, Haddock opens April 15th. Office is open daily 9-3, until we open again, then 5-5 on days we run and 9-3 on weather days that we don’t. See you in 11 days!
Capt Les Jr