It is very rare, but it happens once or twice a year. The forecast wasn’t bad for today and we had every intention of running, but at 0100(1am) the NE wind came up to 25-30 knots at the Isles of Shoals, hoping just the front(seas weren’t bad) we hoped to still get out. All boats were booked and full. Sadly the wind never waned and at 0500 the wind at the Isles of Shoals was still 25+ knots and seas had built to 5’. Still doable if the wind had just laid down, but it didn’t and we made the difficult decision to scrap today’s trips. I can assure everyone, that it hurts us just as much as it disappoints you. Usually we can make a intelligent call the afternoon before and get to everyone before they leave home. We understand that some came from far away and rented rooms, some were here for the weekend and some had planned and looked forward to the great April fishing. We apologize but it’s impossible for us to predict a scenario like this. It happens, rarely but it does. We hope to run in the morning( Monday) , that decision will be made between 4-5 this afternoon. You can call or check here for updates.
Capt Les