Wednesday looks little breezy but Thursday not so bad, hoping you can go either Thursday, Friday or the weekend. Thursday has the most room, and Friday through Sunday( Saturday sold out now) look phenomenal for weather in December. Last Sunday was even better than Saturday fish wise. Office opens at 9 when at dock, 5-4 when out at sea. Lots of calls for preseason contracts, we don’t send them out until mid January. Not to worry, your dates are safe. PS for Fishark fishermen, today you can start paying for 1/5/24, BUT we are very busy today moving Wednesday to Thursday, so please be patient or call back tomorrow. Thanks in advance.
Capt Les
PS still a little too questionable tomorrow (Thursday), so Friday is next trip, only a few spots left. As I said in early November, weather calls are made with great caution, we don’t want to waste anyone’s time or money. Remember, as comfortable as the LMA is, it’s still December in the Gulf of Maine. Looking at the weather, there is no question about running Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Sure the fish are still there.
UPDATE 1400 Wednesday: Thursday crowd all rebooked for Friday Saturday Sunday, so we are now sold out all three days. Monday looks like another storm, but stay tuned here. I’ll update as best I can. Next post Friday pm with a fish update!
Capt Les