Nice day, seas calmed down today, last report was flat calm. I’ll give a fish report later today. We have added a Marathon on Mother’s Day, the all day is getting full. You need to call the office to book the the marathon, can’t book on line. There is still room on the regular all day boat. Next available openings are Tuesday 5/9. Looks like the weather has finally changed, looking good. Capt Les 1635 fish report!! LMA marathon did excellent with lots of Haddock and Pollock, it was a Fishark charter, so light crowd and the best fisherman. Pics are from that boat. Both 6 packs did equally as good. SCL did really good on mostly Haddock. Capt Ed on the LAM said just ok, dogs( sand sharks) were a problem, wow this early. Capt Sean on the LVII said hard to tell, lots seasick and the weather was beautiful, where did they have breakfast. Next available trips 5/9.