I’ll report later, when I find out. We are sold out on everything tomorrow (Saturday), marathon is sold out Sunday but we have some room on the regular all day. AB and MJ (6 packs) will shut down November 12, but we have no openings rest of the year. Monday we have room on the marathon and Tuesday starts our winter season. All trips will be called for weather at least 48 prior to trip. If it’s even questionable we will cancel to prevent people driving here and not sailing. All trips will be on the LMA with heated outside railings, climate controlled cabins and satellite TV so you don’t miss any games. The LAM, LVII and SCL will be heading to dry dock for the typical love they need. Soon as I hear how the fishing was today I’ll post on this post. Capt Les 1600, keeper numbers good but more medium Pollock and not enough Cod and Haddock. Room Sunday, Monday( just marathon) and Tuesday. See you soon. We have 10 weeks of good fishing ahead, just give us the weather.