If there was anyway we could keep running, we would, but the LMA needs a USCG dry-dock which involves at least 4-6 weeks during this time of year. Today was the best day in a month, weather was perfect(flat calm) and fishing was excellent. More than half the boat had their Haddock limit and rest were close. Excellent!!! We will be off the air until we get closer to Red/Pollock trips starting March 21. I’ll check in if there’s something to talk about but thank you all for an amazing year. Next year we will not close during the winter unless the harbor gets iced up, which is unlikely. Thanks to Capt Nate and the incredible crew for running in tough conditions, but rewarding at the same time. Pics are from today’s trip. Office remains open 7 days a week and charter contracts will all be out this week. Capt Les