Ralph is still trying to regroup. I’m guessing too much time in KW in the off season. An off day for sure, but everything is relative. Still excellent fishing. The numbers were 3 to 4 pp up to 15 pp. Couple guys drove up from LI and only caught 4, but when you tell them to take off the 9 odd hooks and the pound of Squid and they ignore you, they get what they deserve. No matter how much you think you know, we know better, we do it everyday all year round. The customer is not always right, as much as we try to convey that to our staff. Weather was perfect and everyone caught enough for dinner and most plenty to freeze. We have openings Tuesday and beyond, but not a ton. Fishing like we’ve had brings lots of patrons. LV limited and LAM the same as LMA, SCL and AB haven’t heard from. Capt Les

Brother Ed snuggling up to share in the Haddock
Sue with a monster, you can see the shoulders, has to be 10 pounds, huge Haddock
Flagship finding them late.
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