I get a lot of flack for my fish reports, but in fairness to me, 7 boats running sometimes 15 trips a week is tough. In general not much change from last report. All day fishing has fewer sharks, one actually only caught one today. Everyone is catching dinner between the Haddock, Pollock, Cusk and Reds, while a few are getting their limit. The Whiting and Ling are tremendous, average 40-60 on a bad trip and big ones. Few of those trips, especially the Fishark trips are grabbing over 100 pp, an untouched fishery (hook and line) that people love. The first 4 public trips coming up are sold out, we added the 29th/30th of August and still room. Mackerel took a nose dive last three days, very few and I’m being generous, but with this heat and fishing at the isles of Shoals, still a blast. Bass are still trip to trip, excellent and horrible. We have two sold out boats tonight and within 5 minutes of fishing the LVII had this keeper I’ll add to this post, with Capt Dave, Crew Noah and Steve. Don’t want to leave out Capt Shean on the LVII on his first two trips with the Fishark gang, unbelievable fishermen but tough to please. Rumor has it they were throwing $50 bills at him, good job. Still in full summer mode, all night trips end on the 22nd, the Stripers usually take off about then and lack of daylight is a strain on the crew running morning, noon and night for the last 75 days. So come down now if you can, usually room during the week, call or book on line. Capt Les