Not as good as it’s been, but still good fishing. Both all day boats did well despite the ripping tides due to the new moon. Few limited on both boats, midship to the bow did the best. Everyone caught dinner and lots caught 6-8, but not like it’s been. On a positive note, weather was spectacular, calm, warm and lots of Whales and Dolphins, that alone was worth being out there. Still several weeks out but the water temp just broke 50, so it won’t be long until we start the Whiting and Squid trips, they are already banging them off RI and we know where the Whiting are up here in the GOM. Little rain next few days but the fish are already wet, bring rain gear. We have room next three days. Mother’s Day we have only 4 spots on the marathon but two boats for the All Day, so room. Monday marathon is sold out but room on the All Day. FYI, LMA is at the dock on Thursday for scheduled maintenance so only 8 spots available on the SCL. Capt Les