All 7 boats out, so depends what boat and what you were looking for. Marathon did good, way offshore, the front of the boat did excellent with lots of limits on Haddock, stern half 6-8 Haddock along with lots of Reds. The two public all day boats very slow on Haddock(none to 4) but action with Reds, Cusk and Cod(thrown back). Beautiful day. The LTAII had a private charter (very private, just 5 guys) looking for strictly Reds whole, slaughter. Two of the three six packs had combo trips for Haddock and Reds, slow 4-8 pp on the Haddock, plenty of Reds. And the other six pack had its limit of Haddock, but it was a grind all day to complete the mission. Two more beautiful days ahead, and we have all boats available, so crowds won’t be an issue. LMAIII and LAM will be going for sure, both on the west dock in the morning, LTAII will be standing by if all the reservations show up, they will be ready so not to send crowded boats. Wednesday the same and on Thursday we might have a weather situation, look at it closer in the morning, check here for updates. Office opens at 5 am

Capt Les

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