Final days getting everything ready for opening day. LAM and Seacoast Lady launch on Monday and first trip is Thursday(24th) aboard the LMA. We are sold out Thursday/Friday/Saturday and Sunday. There is room targeting strictly Redfish Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday and Thursday of the following week, but not a lot. Opening day for Haddock, Cod, Reds, Pollack and Cusk is April 1, all 7 boats will be ready to go. This summer Fishark will be doing Whiting trips, these are charters only through his website and his success rate is well over 90%. Cost a little more money but well worth it with very limited passengers and a ton of fun. You can get info on his trips through his website or call the office for his info. Once you go on a Fishark trip you’ll book again and again, he has 75 charters booked. Thanks Marc. Hoping for some good weather, but it is March/April, stayed tuned here for weather updates.
Thanks Capt Les
Seacoast Lady ready to return to the dock.