But all the boats are out and early reports are promising. Still pretty choppy, wet, but improving weather and starting tomorrow it looks fantastic. We still have room tomorrow on the two public all day boats, all the other boats are chartered. I know everyone is planning next weekend(Memorial Day) but we have back to back marathons Sunday and Monday and they’re not full yet. Grab your spots before everyone settles their plans. We also start the half days next Sunday, lots of room, running every day. Check the days, some target Mackerel, some Haddock and some Bass(Striped Bass). Saturday night we start the Bass trips, and we know they’re here, catching them at the dock. All day is close to full next Sunday but Monday is wide open, we have two boats again. I’ll report on the fishing later today. Capt Les Report 1600 worse than yesterday on all boats and all to do with the weather, one thing we don’t have control over. Better days ahead, room next three day and the weather looks great, already calming down on the way home. And we still caught fish.